If thou but suffer God to guide thee

And hope in Him through all thy ways,

He'll give thee strength, whate'er betide thee,

And bear thee through the evil days.

Who trust in God's unchanging love

Builds on the rock that naught can move.


Obey thou restless heart be still

and wait in cheerful hope content To take whate'er

His gracious will

His all discerning love hath sent Nor doubt

our in most wants are known

To him who chose us for him own


Sing, pray,

and swerve not from His ways,

But do thine own part faithfully Trust His rich promises of grace,

So shall they be fulfilled in thee

God never yet for sook in need The souls

that trusted Him indeed.


Simply trusting ev'ry day,

Trusting through a stormy way

Even when my faith is small,

Trusting Jesus, that is all.

Trusting as the moments fly,

Trusting as the days go by

Trusting Him wahte'er befall,

Trusting Jesus, that is all.


Brightly doth His Spirit shine

Into this poor heart of mine

While He leads I cannot fall

Trusting Jesus, that is all.

Trusting as the moments fly,

Trusting as the days go by

Trusting Him wahte'er befall,

Trusting Jesus, that is all.


Singing if my way is clear

Praying if the path be drear

If in danger, for Him call

Trusting Jesus, that is all.

Trusting as the mosting as the

Trusting as the days go by

Trusting Him wahte'er befall,

Trusting Jesus, that is all.


Trusting Him whilst life shall last,

Trusting Him till earth be past

Till within the jasper wall

Trusting Jesus, that is all.

Trusting as the moments fly,

Trusting as the days go by

Trusting Him wahte'er befall,

Trusting Jesus, that is all.


Weeping will not save me!

Tho' my face were bathed in tears,

That could not allay my fears,

Could not wash the sin of years!

Weeping will not save me.

Jesus wept and died for me

Jesus suffered on the tree

Jesus waits to make me free

He alone can save me!


Working will not save me!

Purest deeds that I can do,

Holiest thoughts and feelings too,

Cannot form my soul anew!

Working will not save me.

Jesus wept and died for me

Jesus suffered on the tree

Jesus waits to make me free

He alone can save me!


Waiting will not save me!

Helpless, guilty, lost,I lie

In my ear is Mercy's cry

If I wait I can but die

Waiting will not save me.

Jesus wept and died for me

Jesus suffered on the tree

Jesus waits to make me free

He alone can save me!


Faith in Christ will save me!

Let me trust Thy weeping Son,

Trust the work that He has done

To His arms, Lord help me run

Faith in christ will save me.

Jesus wept and died for me

Jesus suffered on the tree

Jesus waits to make me free

He alone can save me!


Down in the valley where the mists of doubt arise,

I by faith can walk with God's victorious band.

Though socalled "real proofs" elude my ears and eyes

On the promises of God I firmly stand.

Walk we onward walk in faith, beliveing!

Press we on, bravely on! Cast off doubt and fear!

Press we heav'nward, through our faith receiving

Proofs more sure than any known to eye or ear!


However things may look to this poor, human sight

If we trust His witness giv'n, with faith in Him still,

Then while we live undoubting, calm within His might,

In the Lord our deepest longings He'll fulfill.

Walk we onward walk in faith, beliveing!

Press we on, bravely on! Cast off doubt and fear!

Press we heav'nward, through our faith receiving

Proofs more sure than any known to eye or ear!


Faithful is God Who swore, by His own holiness,

All the precious words to Jesus' followers giv'n!

Then, unto us who trust and Jesus' name confess,

What shall be impossible in earth or heav'n

Walk we onward walk in faith, beliveing!

Press we on, bravely on! Cast off doubt and fear!

Press we heav'nward, through our faith receiving

Proofs more sure than any known to eye or ear!


Who trusts in God, a strong abode

In heaven and earth possesses

Who looks in love to Christ above,

No fear his heart oppresses.

In Thee alone, dear Lord, we own

Sweet hope and consolation

Our shield from foes, our balm for woes,

Our great and sure salvation.


Though Satan's wrath beset our path,

And worldly scorn assail us.

While Thou art near we will not fear,

Thy strength shall never fail us.

Thy rod and staff shall keep us safe,

And guide our steps forever

Nor shades of death, nor hell beneath,

Our souls from Thee shall sever.


In all the strife of mortal life,

Our feet shall stand securely

Temptation's hour shall lose its power,

For Thou shalt guard us surely.

O God, renew, with heavenly dew,

Our body, soul and spirit,

Until we stand at Thy right hand,

Through Jesus' saving merit. Amen.


Master, no offering

Costly and sweet,

May we, like Magdalene,

Lay at Thy feet

Yet may love's incense rise,

Sweeter than sacrifice,

Dear Lord, to Thee,

Dear Lord, to Thee.


Daily our lives would show

Weakness made strong,

Toilsome and gloomy ways

Brightened with song

Some deeds of kindness done,

Some souls by patience won,

Dear Lord, to Thee,

Dear Lord, to Thee.


Some word of hope for hearts

Burdened with fears,

Some balm of peace for eyes

Blinded with tears

Some dews of mercy shed,

Some wayward footstep sled,

Dear Lord, to Thee,

Dear Lord, to Thee.


Thus, in Thy service,

Lord Till eventide

Closes the day of life,

May we abide

And when earth's labours cease,

Bid us depart in peace,

Dear Lord, to Thee,

Dear Lord, to Thee. Amen.


O Master, let me walk with Thee

In lowly paths of service free

Tell me Thy secret, help me bear

The strain of toil, the fret of care.


Help me the slow of heart to move

By some clear, winning word of love

Teach me the wayward feet to stay,

And guide them in the homeward way.


Teach me Thy patience still with Thee

In closer, dearer company,

In work that keeps faith sweet and strong,

In trust that triumphs over wrong.


In hope that sends a shining ray

Far down the future's broad' ning way,

In peace that only Thou canst give,

With Thee, O Master, let me live. Amen.


Take my life, and let it be

Consecrated, Lord, to Thee.

Take my moments and my days

Let them flow in ceaseless praise.


Take my hands, and let them move

At the impulse of Thy love.

Take my feet, and let them be

Swift and beautiful for Thee.


Take my voice, and let me sing,

Always, only, for my King.

Take my lips, and let them be

Filled with messages from Thee.


Take my silver and my gold

Not a mite would I withhold.

Take my interlect, and use

Every pow'r as Thou shalt choose.


Take my moments and my days.

Let them flow in endless praise.

Take myself, and I will be

Ever, only, all for Thee. Amen.


Jesus, my Lord to Thee I cry

Unless Thou help me I must die

Oh, bring Thy free salvation nigh,

And take me as I am.

And take me as I am,

And take me as I am,

My only plea Christ died for me!

Oh, take me as I am.


Helpless I am, and full of guilt

But yet for me Thy blood was spilt,

And Thou canst make me what Thou wilt,

And take me as I am.

And take me as I am,

And take me as I am,

My only plea Christ died for me!

Oh, take me as I am.


No preparation can I make,

My best resolves I only break,

Yet save me for Thine own name's sake,

And take me as I am.

And take me as I am,

And take me as I am,

My only plea Christ died for me!

Oh, take me as I am.


Behold me, Saveiours, at Thy feet,

Deal with me as Thou seeest meet

Thy work begin, Thy work complete,

And take me as I am.

And take me as I am,

And take me as I am,

My only plea Christ died for me!

Oh, take me as I am, Amen.


How I praise Thee, precious Saviour,

That Thy love laid hold of me

Thou hast saved and cleansed and filled me

That I might Thy channel be.

Channels only, blessed Master,

But with all Thy wondrous pow'r

Flowing thro' us, Thou canst use us

Ev'ry day and ev'ry hour.


Emptied that Thou shouldest fill me,

A clean vessel in Thy hand,

With no pow'r but as Thou givest

Graciously with each command.

Channels only, blessed Master,

But with all Thy wondrous pow'r

Flowing thro' us, Thou canst use us

Ev'ry day and ev'ry hour.


Witnessing Thy pow'r to save me,

Setting free from self and sin

Thou who boughtest to possess me,

In Thy fullness, Lord come in.

Channels only, blessed Master,

But with all Thy wondrous pow'r

Flowing thro' us, Thou canst use us

Ev'ry day and ev'ry hour.


Jesus, fill now with Thy Spirit

Hearts that full surrender know,

That the streams of living water

From our inner man may flow.

Channels only, blessed Master,

But with all Thy wondrous pow'r

Flowing thro' us, Thou canst use us

Ev'ry day and ev'ry hour. Amen.


My life, my love I give to Thee,

Thou Lamb of God, Who died for me

O may I ever faithful be,

My Saviour and my God!

How hapoy then my soul shall be!

I'll live for Him Who died for me,

My Saviour and my God!


I now believe Thou dost receive,

For Thou hast died that I may live

And now henceforth I'll trust in Thee,

My Saviour and my God!

I'll live for Him who died for me

How hapoy then my soul shall be!

I'll live for Him Who died for me,

My Saviour and my God!


O Thou, who died on Calvary

To save my soul and make me free,

I consecrate my life to Thee,

My Saviour and my God!

I'll live for Him who died for me

How hapoy then my soul shall be!

I'll live for Him Who died for me,

My Saviour and my God! Amen.


Jesus, my King, before Thy face

A sinner stands, redeem'd by grace.

And for that boundless grace divine,

To Thee I pledge this body of mine.

Do Thou, O Lord, in mercy pour

On me such grace forever more!


My King, my Lord, behold this heart,

Thou who dost know it's deepest part,

Behold it's faith in Calvary,

And in the blood my Lord shed for me.

Forgive, O Lord, my grievous sin,

And grant my heart true peace within.


My King, my Lord, amaz'd and stirr'd

By that rich grace Thou hast conferr'd,

Unending thanks and endless praise

To Thee, O Lord, this glad heart would raise,

And all its pow'rs, henceforth employ

To serve its Lord with endless joy.


My King, my Lord, because this flesh,

So without worth or usefulness,

Is flesh redeem'd and dearly bought

By Thine own blood not given for naught,

In life or death for Thee to live,

And Thee alone, myself I give.


Lord take my all The gift is small For Thee for Thee

What hast Thou done O blessed One For me for me

What hast Thou done O blessed One For me for me


Dare I refuse My life to use For Thee for Thee

Who shed Thy blood A cleansing flood For me for me

Who shed Thy blood A cleansing flood For me for me


Would I had more Earth's richest store For Thee for Thee

Thy love has met A boundless debt For me for me

Thy love has met A boundless debt For me for me


By grace divine Seal what is mine For Thee for Thee

who suffered loss And bore the cross For me for me

who suffered loss And bore the cross For me for me


Lord hear am I To live or die For Thee for Thee

Thy sacrifice Has paid the price For me for me

Thy sacrifice Has paid the price For me for me


All for Jesus, all for Jesus! All my being's ransomed pow'rs

All my tho'ts and words and doings, All my days and all my hours.

All for Jesus! all for Jesus! All my days and all my hours

All for Jesus! all for Jesus! All my days and all my hours


Let my hands perform His bidding, Let my feet run in His ways

Let my eyes see Jesus only, Let my lips speak forth His praise.

All for Jesus! all for Jesus! Let my lips speak forth His praise

All for Jesus! all for Jesus! Let my lips speak forth His praise


Since my eyes were fixed on Jesus, I've lost sight of all beside

So enchained my spirit's vision, Looking at the Crucified.

All for Jesus! all for Jesus! Looking at the Crucified

All for Jesus! all for Jesus! Looking at the Crucified


Oh, what wonder! how amazing! Jesus, glorious King of kings,

Deigns to call me His beloved, Lets me rest beneath his wings.

All for Jesus! all for Jesus! Resting now beneath His wings

All for Jesus! all for Jesus! Resting now beneath His wings.


Call¡¯d of God, we honor the call

Lord, we¡¯ll go wherever You say

Where You lead, come pain or pleasure

We would follow You ev¡¯ryday

Who shall turn us back from You, Lord?

Death itself, from going Your way?

Who shall turn us back from You, Lord?

Death itself, from going Your way?


Achor¡¯s Vale, or desolate waste

There we¡¯d bear the Gospel You gave

Carry love through streets, like Sodom¡¯s

Anywhere, to seek and save!

Or agree a salve to be, Lord

In the joy of being Your salve

Or agree a salve to be, Lord

In the joy of being Your salve!


Honor, glory, power and praise

Lord, to You, You only are due!

Shame and scorn and cross You carried

Grant us grace to carry them too

Without name or fame, but, oh, Lord

Joy and thanks, to serve before You

Without name or fame, but, oh, Lord

Joy and thanks, to serve before You!



Savior, Thy dying love Thou gavest me

Nor should I aught withhold, dear Lord, from Thee

In love my soul would bow

My heart fulfill its vow

Some offering bring Thee now, something for Thee


O¡¯er the blest mercy seat, pleading for me

My feeble faith looks up, Jesus, to Thee

Help me the cross to bear

Thy wondrous love declare

Some song to raise, or prayer, something for Thee


Give me a faithful heart, likeness to Thee

That each departing day henceforth may see

Some work of love begun

Some deed of kindness done

Some wanderer sought and won, something for Thee


All that I am and have, Thy gifts so free

In joy, in grief, through life, O Lord, for Thee!

And when Thy face I see

My ransomed soul shall be

Through all eternity, something for Thee



Gather us in, Thou love that fillest all

Gather our rival faiths within thy fold

Rend each man¡¯s temple veil and bid it fall

That we may know that Thou hast been of old


Gather us in: we worship only Thee

In varied names we stretch a common hand

In diverse forms a common soul we see

In many ships we seek one spirit land


Each sees one colour of Thy rainbow light

Each looks upon one tint and calls it heaven

Thou art the fullness of our partial sight

We are not perfect till we find the seven



When the morning breaks anew

All things shine, renew¡¯d and bright

Let me Lord, in newness, too

Be thy sunshine, share Thy light

Help me Lord, no time to waste

As I walk this world of night

But to shine where I am plac¡¯d

Be Thy sunshine, shed Thy light


As each newest ray to shine

Has its service to fulfill

May I, in each work of mine

By Thy sunshine, do Thy will

Help me Lord, no time to waste

As I walk this world of night

But to shine where I am plac¡¯d

Be Thy sunshine, shed Thy light


As the moments swiftly fly

Pressing once, without return

So each moment, too, may I

Be Thy sunshine, brightly burn

Help me Lord, no time to waste

As I walk this world of night

But to shine where I am plac¡¯d

Be Thy sunshine, shed Thy light


May I give, by night and day

Heart and hand to God above

Shed Thy love along the way

Be Thy sunshine, share Thy love

Help me Lord, no time to waste

As I walk this world of night

But to shine where I am plac¡¯d

Be Thy sunshine, shed Thy light



Living for Jesus?O what peace!

Rivers of pleasure never cease

Trials may come, yet I¡¯ll not fear

Living for Jesus, He is near

Help me to serve Thee more and more

Help me to praise Thee o¡¯er and o¡¯er

Live in Thy presence day by day

Never to turn from Thee away


Living for Jesus?O what rest!

Pleasing my Savior, I am blest

Only to live for Him alone

Doing His will till life is done!

Help me to serve Thee more and more

Help me to praise Thee o¡¯er and o¡¯er

Live in Thy presence day by day

Never to turn from Thee away


Living for Jesus everywhere

All of my burden He doth bear

Friends may forsake me; He¡¯ll be true

Trusting in Him, He¡¯ll guide me through

Help me to serve Thee more and more

Help me to praise Thee o¡¯er and o¡¯er

Live in Thy presence day by day

Never to turn from Thee away


Living for Jesus till at last

Into His glory I have passed

There to behold Him on His throne

Hear from His lips, "My child, well done!"

Help me to serve Thee more and more

Help me to praise Thee o¡¯er and o¡¯er

Live in Thy presence day by day

Never to turn from Thee away


I can hear my Saviour calling I can hear my Saviour calling

I can hear my Saviour calling take Thy cross and follow follow me

Where he leads me I will follow where he leads me I will follow

Where he leads me I will follow I'll go with him with him all the way


I'll go with Him through the garden I'll go with Him through the garden

I'll go with Him through the garden I'll go with Him, with Him all the way

Where he leads me I will follow where he leads me I will follow

Where he leads me I will follow I'll go with him with him all the way


I'll go with him through the judgement I'll go with him through the judgement

I'll go with him through the judgement I'll go with him with him all the way

Where he leads me I will follow where he leads me I will follow

Where he leads me I will follow I'll go with him with him all the way


He will give me grace and glory He will give me grace and glory

He will give me grace and glory And go with me, with me all the way

Where he leads me I will follow where he leads me I will follow

Where he leads me I will follow I'll go with him with him all the way