Ev'ry thing dark! Bleak, black Waves rage, gales blow!
What is that sight, Waveengulf'd, Bat ter'd so
One helpless boat, Still afloat, Amidst the rout!
Ah! Peril all about! Peril all about!
Rain on the wind Shrieks and raves, Mocking mere men.
Mad mighty waves, To and fro Sport with them,
No seaman know, In such throes, What men can do.
Ah! Pity ship and crew! Pity ship and crew!
Then in that mad, Mortal plight, That mortal fear,
One ray of light They behold, Pure and clear!
Boatfast they know, By that glow, God with them there,
Oh! Voices lift in pray'r! Voices lift in pray'r!
O, Father, stoop Look on us! Mere sinners we,
But Thee we trust! Calm the storm, Still the sea!
Save us, we pray Helpless clay Waiting Thy word!
Oh! God our loving Lord! God our loving Lord!
Mad tho' the wind Mad the sea, Mad the great wave,
Venomously Tow'ring high While they rave,
One mighty hand Makes them stand, Sink down and cease!
Oh! Sea of crystal peace! See of crystal peace!