How sweet the name of Jesus sounds

In a believer¡¯s ear!

It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds

And drives away his fear


Dear name, the Rock on which I build

My Shield and Hiding Place

My never failing treasury, filled

With boundless stores of grace


Jesus, my Shepherd, Brother, Friend

My Prophet, Priest and King

My Lord, my Life, my Way, my End

Accept the praise I bring


Dear Lord, I would Thy name proclaim

With ev¡¯ry fleeting breath

And may the music of Thy name

Refresh my soul in death


O Thou, in whose presence my soul takes delight,

On whom in affliction I call,

My comfort by day, and my song in the night,

My hope, my salvation, my all!


Where dost Thou, dear Shepherd, resort with Thy sheep,

To feed them in pastures of love

Say, why in the valley of death should I weep,

Or alone in this wilderness rove?


Oh! why should I wander an alien from Thee,

Or cry in the desert for bread

Thy foes will rejoice when my sorrows they see,

And smile at the tears I have shed.


He looks! and ten thousands of angels rejoice,

And myriads wait fo His word

He speaks! and eternity, filled with His voice,

Reechoes the praise of the Lord.


Dear Shepherd! I hear, and will follow Thy call

I know the sweet wound of Thy voice

Restore and defend me, for Thou art my all,

And in Thee I will ever rejoice. Amen.


Is there anyone can help us,

One who understand our hearts,

When the thorns of life have pierced them till they bleed

One who sympathizes with us,

Who in wondrous love imparts

Just the very, very blessing that we need?

Yes, There's One! only One!

The blessed, blessed Jesus, He's the One!

When affliction press the soul,

When waves of trouble roll.

And you need a Friend to help you, He's the One!


Is there anyone can help us,

When the load is hard to bear,

And we faint and fall beneath it in alarm

Who in tenderness will lift us,

And the heavy burden share,

And support us with an everlasting arm?

Yes, There's One! only One!

The blessed, blessed Jesus, He's the One!

When affliction press the soul,

When waves of trouble roll.

And you need a Friend to help you, He's the One!


Is there anyone can help us,

Who can give the sinner peace,

When His heart is burden'd down with pain and woe

Who can speak the word of pardon,

That affords a sweet release,

And whose blood can wash and make us white as snow?

Yes, There's One! only One!

The blessed, blessed Jesus, He's the One!

When affliction press the soul,

When waves of trouble roll.

And you need a Friend to help you, He's the One!


Is there anyone can help us,

When we come to Jordan's shore,

And we needs must cross to get to Zion's hill

Who will go beside to guide us,

Till our blackest fears give o'er

And we cross in peace because he's with us still?

Yes, There's One! only One!

The blessed, blessed Jesus, He's the One!

When affliction press the soul,

When waves of trouble roll.

And you need a Friend to help you, He's the One!


In fancy I stood by the shore, one day,

Of the beautiful murm'ring sea

I saw the great crowds as they thronged the way

Of the Stranger of Galilee

I saw how the man who was blind from birth,

In a moment was made to see

The lame was made whole by the matchless skill

Of the Stranger of Galilee.

And I felt I could love Him forever,

So gracious and tender was He!

I claimed Him that day as my Savior,

This Stranger of Galilee.


His look of compassion, His words of love,

They shall never forgotten be

When sin-sick and helpless He saw me there,

This Stranger of Galilee

He show'd me His hand and His riven side,

And He whispered "It was for thee!"

My burden fell off at the pierced feet

Of the Stranger of Galilee.

And I felt I could love Him forever,

So gracious and tender was He!

I claimed Him that day as my Savior,

This Stranger of Galilee.


I heard Him speak peace to the angry waves,

Of that turbulent, raging sea

And lo! at His word are the waters stilled,

This Stranger of Galilee

A peaceful, a quiet, and holy calm,

Now and ever abides with me

He holdeth my life in His mighty hands,

This Stranger of Galilee.

And I felt I could love Him forever,

So gracious and tender was He!

I claimed Him that day as my Savior,

This Stranger of Galilee.


Come, ye who are driven and tempest toss'd,

And His gracious salvation see

He'll quiet life's storms with His "Peace, be still!"

This Stranger of Galilee

He bids me to go and the story tell,

What He ever to you will be,

If only you let Him with you abide,

This Stranger of Galilee.

Oh my friend, won't you love Him forever,

So gracious and tender is He!

Accept Him today as you Savior,

This Stranger of Galilee.


Jesus, the very thought of Thee

With sweetness fills my breast

But sweeter far Thy face to see,

And in Thy presence rest.


Nor voice can sing, nor heart can frame,

Nor can the mem'ry find

A sweeter sound than Thy blest name,

O Saviour of mankind!


O Hope of ev'ry contrite heart,

O Joy of all the meek,

To those who ask, how kind Thou art!

How good to those who seek!


But what to those who find? ah! this

Nor tongue nor pen can show.

The love of Jesus, what it is,

None but His loved ones know.


Jesus! our only joy be Thou,

As Thou our prize wilt be

Jesus! be Thou our glory now,

And thro eternity. Amen.


Oh, the best friend to have is Jesus

When the cares of life upon you roll,

He will heal the wounded heart,

He will strength and grace impart

Oh, the best friend to have is Jesus.

The best friend to have is Jesus,

The best friend to have is Jesus,

He will help you when you fall,

He will hear you when you call

Oh, the best friend to have is Jesus.


What a friend I have found in Jesus!

Peace and comfort to my soul He brings

Leaning on His mighty arm,

I will fear no ill nor harm

Oh, the best friend to have is Jesus.

The best friend to have is Jesus,

The best friend to have is Jesus,

He will help you when you fall,

He will hear you when you call

Oh, the best friend to have is Jesus.


Though I pass through the night of sorrow,

And the chilly waves of Jordan roll,

Never need I shrink nor fear,

For my Saviour is so near

Oh, the best friend to have is Jesus.

The best friend to have is Jesus,

The best friend to have is Jesus,

He will help you when you fall,

He will hear you when you call

Oh, the best friend to have is Jesus.


When at last to our home we gather,

With the loved ones who have gone before,

We will sing upon the shore,

Praising Him forevermore

Oh, the best friend to have is Jesus.

The best friend to have is Jesus,

The best friend to have is Jesus,

He will help you when you fall,

He will hear you when you call

Oh, the best friend to have is Jesus.


My Lord has garments so wondrous find,

And myrrh their texture fills

Its fragrance reached to this heart of mine,

With joy my being thrills.

Out of the ivory palaces

Into a world of woe,

Only His great eternal love,

Made my Saviour go.


His life had also its sorrows sore,

For aloes had a par

And when I think of the cross He bore,

My eyes with teardrops start.

Out of the ivory palaces

Into a world of woe,

Only His great eternal love,

Made my Saviour go.


His garments, too, were in cassia dipped,

With healing in a touch

Each time my feet in some sin have slipped,

He took me from its clutch.

Out of the ivory palaces

Into a world of woe,

Only His great eternal love,

Made my Saviour go.


In garments glorious He will come,

To open wide the door

And I shall enter my heav'nly home,

To dwell forevermore.

Out of the ivory palaces

Into a world of woe,

Only His great eternal love,

Made my Saviour go.


I have found a friend in Jesus, He's ev'rything to me,

He's the fairest of ten thousand to my soul

The Lily of the Valley, in Him alone I see

All I need to cleanse and make me fully whole.

In sorrow He's my comfort in trouble He's my stay,

He tells me ev'ry care on Him to roll.

He's the Lily of the Valley, the bright and Morning Star,

He's the fairest of ten thousand to my soul.


He all my grief has taken, and all my sorrows borne

In temptation He's my strong and mighty tow'r

I have all for Him forsaken, and all my idols torn

From my heart, and now He keeps me by His pow'r.

Though all the world forsake me, and Satan tempts me sore,

Through Jesus I shall safely reach the goal

He's the Lily of the Valley, the bright and Morning Star,

He's the fairest of ten thousand to my soul.


He will never, never leave me, nor yet forsake me here,

While I live by faith and do His blessed will

A wall of fire about me, I've nothing now to fear,

With His manna He my hungry soul shall fill.

Though all the world forsake me, and Satan tempts me sore,

Through Jesus I shall safely reach the goal

He's the Lily of the Valley, the bright and Morning Star,

He's the fairest of ten thousand to my soul. Amen.


Jesus, Rose of Sharon, bloom within my heart,

Beauties of Thy truth and holiness impart,

That where'er I go my life shed abroad

Fragrance of the knowledge of the love of God.

Jesus, Rose of Sharon,

Bloom in radiance and in love within my heart.


Jesus, Rose of Sharon, sweeter far to me

Than the fairest flow'rs of earth could ever be,

Fill my life completely, adding more each day

Of Thy grace divine and purity I pray.

Jesus, Rose of Sharon,

Bloom in radiance and in love within my heart.


Jesus, Rose of Sharon, balm for ev'ry ill,

May Thy tender merci's healing

For afflicted souls of weary, burden'd men,

Giving needy mortals heal than hope again.

Jesus, Rose of Sharon,

Bloom in radiance and in love within my heart.


Jesus, Rose of Sharon, bloom forevermore

Be Thy glory seen on earth from shore to shore,

Till the nations own Thy Sov'reignty complete,

Lay their honors down and worship at Thy feet.

Jesus, Rose of Sharon,

Bloom in radiance and in love within my heart.


I lay my sins on Jesus,

The spotless Lamb of God

He bears them all, and frees us

From the accursed load.

I bring my guilt to Jesus,

To wash my crimson stains

White in His blood most precious,

Till not a spot remains.


I lay my wants on Jesus,

All fullness dwells in Him

He heals all my diseases,

He doth my soul redeem.

I lay my griefs on Jesus,

My burdens and my cares

He from them all releases,

He all my sorrows shares.


I rest my soul on Jesus,

This weary soul of mine

His right hand me embraces,

I on His breast recline.

I love the name of Jesus,

Immanuel Christ, the Lord

Like fragrance on the breezes,

His name abroad is poured.


I long to be, like Jesus,

Meek, loving, lowly, mild

I long to be, like Jesus,

The Father's holy child,

I long to be with Jesus,

Amid the heav'nly throng

To sing with saints His praises,

To learn the angels' song.


Take the name of Jesus with you,

Child of sorrow and of Woe

It will joy and comfort give you,

Take it then Where'er you go.

Precious name, O how sweet! Hope of earth and joy of heaven,

Precious name, O how sweet Hope of earth and joy of heaven


Take the name of Jesus ever,

As a shield from ev'ry snare

If temptation round you gather

Breathe that holy name in prayer.

Precious name, O how sweet! Hope of earth and joy of heaven,

Precious name, O how sweet Hope of earth and joy of heaven


O the precious name of Jesus!

How it thrills our souls with joy

When His loving arms receive us,

Breathe that holy name in prayer.

Precious name, O how sweet! Hope of earth and joy of heaven,

Precious name, O how sweet Hope of earth and joy of heaven


At the name of Jesus Bowing,

Falling prostrate at His feet,

King of kings in heav'n we'll crown Him,

When our journey is complete.

Precious name, O how sweet! Hope of earth and joy of heaven,

Precious name, O how sweet Hope of earth and joy of heaven


Sing Christ, the triumph of light,

Darkness' dominion ended!

Wand'rers, alone and affright,

He has restor'd, befriended.

His endless Kingdom of grace

He to our vision bringing,

We, by the light of His face,

Walk in His ways with singing.


Sing Christ, and grief overthrown,

Hopelessness chang'd to chorus!

Sing Christ, the Friend Who alone,

Journeys the rough road for us!

Up through the passes of truth,

Rough and beset with fighting,

He gives strength as in youth

To those of His delighting.


Sing Christ, Creator and King,

Come to His lost creation,

True life His people to bring,

Sharing our lowly station.

To save from hell and its ways,

Sin and its bonds to sever,

Came Christ, worthy of praise!

Praise we His name Forever! Amen.


Jesus is all the world to me,

My life, my joy, my all

He is my strength from day to day,

Without Him I would fall.

When I am sad, to Him I go,

No other one can cheer me so

When I am sad He makes me glad,

He's my Friend.


Jesus is all the world to me,

My Friend in trial sore

I go to Him for blessings, and

He gives them o'er and o'er.

He sends the sunshine and the rain,

He sends the harvest's golden grain

Sunshine and rain, Harvest of grain,

He's my Friend.


Jesus is all the world to me,

And true to Him I'll be

Oh, how could I this Friend deny,

When He's so true to me

Following Him I know I'm right,

He watches o'er me day and night

Following Him, by day and night,

He's my Friend.


Jesus is all the world to me,

I want no better friend

I trust Him now, I'll trust Him when

Life's fleeting days shall end.

Beautiful life with such a Friend

Beautiful life that has no end

Eternal life, eternal joy,

He's my Friend.


"Who," you ask me, "is my Jesus?"

Mourners' Comforter is He.

He is plenty for the needy

Height for all of low degree,

He's the freedom of the captive,

And our joy eternally.


Who is Jesus Strength for Weakness

Light and vision for the blind

He is healing for the ailing,

Health of body, soul and mind

For the dead He's Resurrection,

And in Him our life we find.


Who is Jesus He's the Answer

When uncertainties increase

Life for death and Mediator

For the sinner's sure release

Sure salvation for the perished,

And our everlasting peace.


Who is Jesus He's the Head of

Us His Church our Lord and Friend.

He's the Saviour of all nations

King to whom all kings shall bend

Lord of Judgment for all peoples,

And our glory without end.


The whole world was lost in the darkness of sin

The Light of the world is Jesus

Like sunshine at noonday His glory shone in,

The Light of the world is Jesus.

Come to the Light, 'tis shining for thee

Sweetly the Light has dawned upon me,

Once I was blind, but now I can see:

The Light of the world is Jesus.


No darkness have we who in Jesus abide

The Light of the world is Jesus

We walk in the Light when we follow our Guide,

The Light of the world is Jesus.

Come to the Light, 'tis shining for thee

Sweetly the Light has dawned upon me,

Once I was blind, but now I can see:

The Light of the world is Jesus.


Ye dwellers in darkness with sin-blinded eyes

The Light of the world is Jesus

Go, wash at His bidding, and light will arise,

The Light of the world is Jesus.

Come to the Light, 'tis shining for thee

Sweetly the Light has dawned upon me,

Once I was blind, but now I can see:

The Light of the world is Jesus.


No need of the sunlight in heaven we're told

The Light of the world is Jesus

The Lamb is the Light in the city of gold,

The Light of the world is Jesus.

Come to the Light, 'tis shining for thee

Sweetly the Light has dawned upon me,

Once I was blind, but now I can see:

The Light of the world is Jesus.


The Lord of Glory, the Light of Earth,

When earth lay captive to night.

And sin had robb'd her of truth and worth,

Shin'd forth, and all things were bright!

Glory! glory and praise! Lord of Glory always!

In my heart has His light radiantly shone.

Lord of Glory always! Glory! glory and praise!

Light of all the world is Jesus, Jesus, alone!


Who hear and believe the Master's word

Know joy of heart all the way.

Who do God's commands, the light of God

Shall light their brightening day.

Glory! glory and praise! Lord of Glory always!

In my heart has His light radiantly shone.

Lord of Glory always! Glory! glory and praise!

Light of all the world is Jesus, Jesus, alone!


Who live in the dark of sin are blind,

Their world confusion and fear.

Whose guilt has been cleans¡¯d by Jesus find

Eyes bright and vision made clear.

Glory! glory and praise! Lord of Glory always!

In my heart has His light radiantly shone.

Lord of Glory always! Glory! glory and praise!

Light of all the world is Jesus, Jesus, alone!


There's one above all earthly friends

Whose love all earthly love transcends

It is my Lord and Christ divine,

My Lord, because I know He's mine.

I know He's mine, this Friend so dear,

He lives with me, He's ever near

Then thousand charms around Him shine,

And best of all, I know He's mine.


He's mine because He died for me,

He saved my soul, He set me free

With joy I worship at His shrine

And cry, "Praise God, I know He's mine."

I know He's mine, this Friend so dear,

He lives with me, He's ever near

Then thousand charms around Him shine,

And best of all, I know He's mine.


He's mine because He's in my heart,

And never, never will we part:

Just as the branch is to the vine,

I'm joined to Christ I know He's mine.

I know He's mine, this Friend so dear,

He lives with me, He's ever near

Then thousand charms around Him shine,

And best of all, I know He's mine.


Some day upon the streets of gold

Mine eyes his glory shall behold,

Then while his arms around me twine,

I'll cry for joy, "I know He's mine."

I know He's mine, this Friend so dear,

He lives with me, He's ever near

Then thousand charms around Him shine,

And best of all, I know He's mine.


I¡¯ve found a Friend, O such a friend!

He loved me ere I knew Him

He drew me with the cords of love

And thus He bound me to Him

And thus He bound me to Him

Those ties which naught can sever

For I am His, and He is mine

Forever and forever


I¡¯ve found a Friend, O such a friend!

He bled, He died to save me

And not alone the gift of life

But His own Self He gave me!

Naught that I have mine own I call

I¡¯ll hold it for the Giver

My heart, my strength, my life

My all are His, and His forever


I¡¯ve found a Friend, O such a friend!

So kind and true and tender

So wise a Counselor and Guide

So mighty a Defender!

From Him who loves me now so well

What power my soul can sever?

Shall life or death, shall earth or hell?

No! I am His forever


Christ has for sin atonement made.

What a wonderful Saviour!

We are redeemed the price is paid.

What a wonderful Saviour!

What a wonderful Saviour

is Jesus, my Jesus!

What a wonderful Saviour

is Jesus, my Lord!


I praise Him for the cleansing Blood.

What a wonderful Saviour!

That reconciled my soul to God.

What a wonderful Saviour!

What a wonderful Saviour

is Jesus, my Jesus!

What a wonderful Saviour

is Jesus, my Lord!


He cleansed my heart from all its sin.

What a wonderful Saviour!

And now He reigns and rules therein.

What a wonderful Saviour!

What a wonderful Saviour

is Jesus, my Jesus!

What a wonderful Saviour

is Jesus, my Lord!


He gives me overcoming pow'r.

What a wonderful Saviour!

And triumph in each trying hour!

What a wonderful Saviour!

What a wonderful Saviour

is Jesus, my Jesus!

What a wonderful Saviour

is Jesus, my Lord!


Chief of sinners though I be,

Jesus shed His blood for me

Died that I might live on high,

Lived that I might never die.

As the branch is to the vine,

I am His, and He is mine.


Oh, the height of Jesus love!

Higher than the heav'ns above,

Deeper than the depths of sea,

Lasting as eternity.

Love that found me wondrous tho't!

Found me when I sought Him not.


Chief of sinners though I be,

Christ is All-in-All to me.

All my wants to Him are known,

All my sorrows are His own.

He sustains the hid den life

Safe with Him from earthly strife.